All Donors

Anonymous Sponsor $500.00
Mark Nussbaum $360.00
Anonymous Sponsor $360.00
Ezra Arking $360.00
Zvi Brodt $250.00
For the best brother in law
Match Match $250.00
Ari Oppenheimer $250.00
Match Match $202.00
Chana Kleiner $185.40
Meyer, we are very proud of you! May Hashem bless you and Laya with much Hatzlocha , good health and nachus! Love, Mommy and Daddy
Joe Biden $180.00
Akiva Neuwirth $180.00
In honor of my role model and rebbi, Klal Yisroel's up and coming philanthropist, the eish emes, Harav Dr Meyer Klein shlita. Keep on holding up the world with all the great things that you do!!.
No Way $180.00
Herschel Friedman $180.00
Nathan Hochstadter $180.00
Yitz Leiner $180.00
Ari & Tova Polter $150.00
Go Meyer!
Joseph Gestetner $108.00
Go Team MBL
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Dovid Kleiner $100.00
Have fun!
David Oppenheimer $100.00
Chaim Pantierer $100.00
Shlomo Fishelis $100.00
In honor of your friendship which is quite meaningful to & impactful on me. Lzechus Refuah Shelaimah - Shlomo ben Sarah Aliza
Matthew Kraizler $100.00
Tirtza Beer $100.00
Marc Katzman $100.00
Mayer Rand $100.00
Shua & Leah Katz $100.00
Zvi Lazarus $90.00
In honor of the mitzvah man. Now score Homan
Kurt & Greta Oppenheimer $72.00
We are proud of you!
Anonymous Sponsor $55.62
In honor of Dr. Meyer Kleiner, Skyline Minyan, & TCD 2021!!!
David Rosenberg $54.00
Chaim Lazarus $50.00
Bring home the cup!
Anonymous Sponsor $50.00
In honor of my dear friend, role model, mentor and chavrusa MEIR
Yitzy Feldstein $50.00
Levana Kiddush $50.00
Meyer Rand $50.00
just do it
Maurice And Lori Oppenheimer $50.00
we love u!!!!
Osher Wiedermann $50.00
Moshe Bulmash $50.00
Yanky Honig $50.00
I’m honor of the great dangler
Chezky Lowenger $50.00
David Oppenheimer $50.00
Rena Katz $37.08
In honor of our upcoming graduation from dental school
Jonathan Katzman $37.08
Hatzlacha u Bracha
Gavriel Cooper $36.00
Shoulder pads
Dov Lazarus $36.00
Jordan Rosenberg $36.00
Julius Gerstel $25.00
Breindy Nussbaum $20.60
Thanks For Your Business $18.00
Adam Edelstein $18.54
ma dawhg
Moshe Kolodny $18.00
Brian Harris $18.00
Shlomo Kleiner $15.45
BLBenefits is supporting you!
Pinny Brecher $10.00
Pinny Brecher $10.00
Meyer Kleiner $2.06