All Donors

Franklin Funding Group $3,600.00
Need a hat trick or money back
David Schachnow $360.00
Anonymous Sponsor $360.00
In Honor of Hudis and her favorite Uncle “Yoshi”
Anonymous Sponsor $360.00
Moshe Cohen $184.00
In honor of Joe from USA Buying !
Benjamin Winkler $180.00
In honor of yosef you rock
Anonymous Sponsor $120.00
Mark Levinger $103.00
Shuey & Tzipora Weiss Weiss $103.00
Zip Buy $100.00
In honor of Y. Barer !!
Esti Murik $100.00
Go Barer! Best player in the league!
Yoel Aderet $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Meir Weiss $72.00
Yehuda Goldenberg $59.74
Good luck
Melly A $54.00
Shulamis Cohen $54.00
Meshulem Barer $51.50
Anonymous Sponsor $50.00
For Barer the Bear
Deals On TheGo Corp. $50.00
Go Joe!
Shlomo Stern $50.00
Go YZ Barer! Go team YYT!
Caplan Cuts $40.00
Samuel Sternheim $37.08
Moish Barer $37.08
David Hollander $37.08
Shimon Barer $37.08
Nochum Kaufman $36.00
Ezzy Katz $36.00
Yosef Barer is the man
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Sol Fischer $36.00
Benayahu Aryeh $36.00
Yosef! If you loose the game you need to reimburse me DOUBLE
Heshy Tabak $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Payment for my training
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Jay Sommer $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Hatzlacha Rabba!
Sara Rochel Barer $36.00
This should be a zuchus for the whole klal Yisroel
Libby Weiss $36.00
Go Joe!
Rivky Murik $36.00
Yitzy Youlus $36.00
Yehudis Barer $36.00
Noson Barer $36.00
Eisik Weisz $36.00
Jay Halon $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00