All Donors

Anonymous Sponsor $500.00
We got this!
Match Match $500.00
Anonymous Sponsor $499.00
Anonymous Sponsor $450.00
Anonymous Sponsor $400.00
Match Match $400.00
Anonymous Sponsor $380.00
Lets get it!
Match Match $380.00
Mendel Landa $360.00
David Perez $260.00
kol hakavod Josh
Joelle Amselem $185.40
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $141.00
Keep it up!
Anonymous Sponsor $126.00
Yasher Koach!
Alon Barda $118.00
Happy to help. Good luck.
Patrick Elharrar $101.00
Hazak Ou Baruch!
Johnny Ouzzan $100.00
Keep it up Josh!
Ben Revizada $100.00
Yehuda Oziel $100.00
Sam Hyams $100.00
Best of luck Josh! We’re very proud of you
Dorith Ness $100.00
Manny Callan $72.00
Yaffa Abihsira $55.62
Go Josh Go.
Anonymous Sponsor $53.56
Joe Shully Elm $52.00
Emanuelle Abitbol $52.00
Anonymous Sponsor $52.00
2023 is the year!
Yona Silver $51.50
Michael Ouzzan $50.00
Jordan Berman $50.00
Shimmy Katscher $50.00
David Ouzzan $50.00
For the PTFHL roy
Daniel Ouzzan $50.00
Let’s go Josh!
Nirelle And Yitzi Sanik $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
From the HR king
Joshua Krames $36.00
Because you care about every student!
Yosef Ouanounou $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Gavry Mandel $36.00
Zohar Levi $25.00
Benjamin Nacson $25.00
David Haber $18.00
Yosef Shields $18.00
Josh Jacobs $18.00
Dovid Neumann $18.00
Josh Keep up all your great work!
Ari Nussbaum $18.00
Keep it up Josh!!
Eli Lipson $18.00
Let's go Gator!!!
Noam Ouanounou $18.00
Asher Freilich $18.54
Aaron Nacson $18.54
Ezra Oksemberg $18.54
Good luck Josh!
Eitan Amar $18.00
Yehuda Berman $18.54
Jeremy Herman $18.00
Noam Sonenberg $18.00
Let's Gooooo #ECCAMPS
David Toledano $18.54