All Donors

Paramus Match $827.00
Melanie Kwestel $600.00
In honor of Yosh Jacobson and in memory of his dad, Aryeh Yoel
Anonymous Sponsor $540.00
Anonymous Sponsor $540.00
Match Match $500.00
Match Match $500.00
Moshe Katz DDS PC $500.00
Elissa Jacobson $370.80
Dan Fineberg $370.80
In memory of Papa Jacobson Z”L
Yitzchok Reinhold $370.80
It’s a pleasure to work with u from yitzy, Shmili &efroyim
Anonymous Sponsor $360.00
Anonymous Sponsor $360.00
Peter Khait $257.50
Dov & Gittel Nierman $257.50
In memory of our father Aryeh Yoel ben Chaim Gavriel
Mitchell Wohlberg $250.00
Marc And Rena Kwestel $250.00
Jeffrey Remin $231.75
Anonymous Sponsor $210.40
Anonymous Sponsor $206.00
Anonymous Sponsor $206.00
Yosh Jacobson $200.00
Sam And Yael Goldstein $185.40
לעילוי נשמת חיים יחזקאל בן יוסף
Jacob Colman $185.40
Ben Abboudi $185.40
Yonatan Shefa $185.40
Proud of you Yosh.
Anonymous Sponsor $185.40
Jeremy Spier $185.40
Keep up the great work and bring the cup home to Paramus in honor of your dad’s memory
Anonymous Sponsor $185.40
Benjamin Weber $185.40
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Efram Peller $180.00
In Loving Memory of the Tzaddik Z”L Larry “LJ” Jacobson
Chaim Pinsker $180.00
Meir Bar-David $180.00
Aron Dombroff $180.00
Pinchos Reichman $180.00
Lani & Moshe Hans $180.00
Jeff Gordon $180.00
Jon Wohlberg $180.00
Yosh is the best l! We love Yosh
Adam & Rachel Rudman $180.00
Naomi And Neal Auman $103.00
In memory of Aryeh Jacobson
Anonymous Sponsor $103.00
Anonymous Sponsor $103.00
Jonathan Mechaly $103.00
Dani Kohn $103.00
Hadassah Kwestel $103.00
Daniel Acoca $103.00
L"N R' Aryeh Jacobson Z"L
Hugh Jacobson $103.00
Rafael Oliel $103.00
Go Josh!!
Shmuel M Klein $101.00
Get the 🏆
Jonathan Lyons $101.00
Seymour Wigod $100.00
Robyn Adams $100.00
Benjamin Frommer $100.00
In memory of Papa Jay
Big Lou $100.00
In memory of L.J., one of the most dedicated volunteer firefighters I ever met. His use of the 12 foot pike pole was legendary!
Jason Jacobs $100.00
Yosef Oberlander $87.55
Shalom Benguigui $72.00
Anonymous Sponsor $72.00
Shmuel Goldstein $72.00
Keep it up Yosh!!!!
Menachem Jacobson $72.00
Anonymous Sponsor $61.80
To the man who is sorely missed everyday.
Ben Spaeth $60.00
Steven Noll $54.00
Noam Litwack $54.00
Brett Gartenberg $51.50
Michael Straus $51.50
Elliot Guttman $50.00
Mordechai And Adina Druxman $50.00
Sarah Pollock $50.00
Dov Stokar $50.00
Yosh, let your wrath flow like a river of fire on the frozen battlegrounds of the tournament
Laya Weichbrod $50.00
Aron Globerman $37.08
Jacob Landau $36.00
Chaim Deutsch $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
CD ADLER $36.00
Beth & Steve Wechsler $36.00
Reuven Sherman $36.00
Yoel Berkowitz $36.00
Yosh, hashem should give you like you give to others.
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Avi Weinstein $26.00
Eli & Batsheva Bekermus $25.75
Zvi Goldberg $18.00
Moshe Grossbaum $18.00
Yaakov Katsof $18.54
Anonymous Sponsor $13.00