All Donors

Anonymous Sponsor $618.00
Rafael Mael $500.00
In honor of Shai Meyerowitz, MVP on and off the ice!
Laurie Mermelstein $500.00
Jay Idler $500.00
Great job Shai
Martin Leybovich $360.00
Anonymous Sponsor $360.00
IHO Shai Mai
Anonymous Sponsor $360.00
David Wealcatch $360.00
Shai And Chani Meyerowitz $360.00
Matching my match!
Match Match $360.00
Paul L Eisenberger $250.00
In honor of the Meyerowitz clan!
Shai Meyerowitz $200.00
In honor of my wife! Who always sends me to the rink!
Match Match $200.00
Avi Mizrachi $185.40
Mark Meyerowitz $185.40
Yossi And Sara Idler $185.40
Dena & Asher Sondhelm $185.40
Rabbi Meyerowitz and everything he does!
Anonymous Sponsor $185.40
Moshe And Dina Rechthand $185.40
Samuel Idler $180.00
Aleh V'Hatzlach
Danny Solomon $180.00
Heather Horowitz $180.00
Yitzy And Nechama Tendler $180.00
In honor of Rabbi My!!
Shloime Mermelstein $180.00
Eta Eisenberger $180.00
Shlomo Fixler $180.00
Moshe Markowitz $180.00
Allan Meyerowitz $144.00
Keep those hips checking Rabbi My שליט״א
Robin Meyerowitz $128.00
Again shoot Shain scores and the capitals win the Stanley Cup!
Shaya And Elana Schechter $128.75
Scott Steinberg $121.54
Miriam Friedberg $121.54
GO SHAI! Bring home the W!
Sam And Yael Goldstein $103.00
לעילוי נשמת חיים יחזקאל בן יוסף
Yehoshua Nissan $103.00
IHO the indefatigable Shai. Hatzlacha!!
Moshe & Chaya Garfunkel $103.00
Yossi And Malki Rub $103.00
Allan Meyerowitz $103.00
In honor of Aaron Eli and Temimah
Match Match $103.00
Dovid & Bracha Bagan $103.00
The undisputed champion for our boys! Thank you Rabbi My for everything!!
Lori Pasch $100.00
Elliot Sonnenblick $100.00
Sol Kuhnreich $100.00
Bina Steinberg $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Moshe Pruzansky $100.00
In honor of Shai, who will always be my Shul President! :)
Mendel Wax $100.00
Shai my guy!!
David And Rachelle Daniel $100.00
IHO the incredible Rabbi Meyerowitz
Schnitzer Family $100.00
Ayelet Duskis $100.00
In honor of my beloved brother. The world is very lucky to have you in it. Hashem should give a refuah shleimah to all those we love who are suffering.
Anonymous Sponsor $87.00
Either $8 for ovechkins jersey, or $87 donation Lkavod Reb Crosby..... Went with the Syd the Kid
Netanel Schwob $74.16
Go Shai Go
Shulim Isaacson $72.00
Anonymous Sponsor $72.00
In honor of Shai!
Zalman And Chana Wallach $57.68
In honor of our dear twin brother and his wonderful wife and family. Shai you are a “beast” of chesed, Ahvas Yisrael, and Torah! We are so lucky to have you!
Simcha Siff $56.65
Anonymous Sponsor $55.62
Anonymous Sponsor $55.62
Yitzie & Tzeepy Schabes $54.00
Yehudah Roll $54.00
Shai! Keep Spreading your holy energy!
Gavi Sytner $54.00
Eliezer Bulka $54.00
חזק ואמץ!
Abe Friedman $54.00
Ari And Huvi Mermelstein $54.00
Aaron Schabes $51.50
Shlomo Rosenstein $51.50
Shlomo Rosenstein $51.50
Anonymous Sponsor $51.50
Moshe Raskin $51.50
Lots of Lurve!
Binyomin And Rachel Lowenthal $50.00
In honor of all the great work you do for TI, the Baltimore community and RCCS!
Brian Neuman $50.00
Jacob Selis $50.00
Jacob Selis $50.00
Yisrael Triebwasser $50.00
Anonymous Sponsor $50.00
Stephen Zelcer $37.08
In honor of Captain Shai, who doesn't just play to win; he plays to destroy! Go get 'em!
Akiva Goldberg $37.08
Michael Feld $36.00
Joshua Lowenthal $36.00
Go Shai! At least 5 defensive goals a game!
Courtney Hercenberg $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Ariel & Pessi Sadwin $36.00
Brocho v'hatzlocho!
Amitai Barth $36.00
Hatzlacha to R' Shai and all of the players and volunteers. I am a little disappointed that Shai's email said I should be benched, as I understand being benched in hockey is not a good thing, but gam zu l'tova since I don't play hockey anyway. Tizkeh l'mitzvos!
David Kreisberg $36.00
In honor of Moshe Ben Dovid. His neshama should have an Aliyah
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Mendel Blau $36.00
Evan Weiner $36.00
Zachary Schwartz $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $26.00
Anonymous Sponsor $25.00
have me over for a Shabbos meal. Sorry I can't donate more
Naftali And Kayla Fink $20.00
Benjamin Zedner $18.00
Keep it up
Daniel Bortz $18.00
Joseph And Shira Bechhofer $18.00
Hatzlacha Rabba!!
Avi Landa $18.54
Benjamin Lewinson $18.54
Daniel Nattel $18.54
Yisrael Zev Schwartz $18.00
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
Avi Spodek $18.00
Yechezkel Estreicher $10.30
Go get em!
Yechezkel Estreicher $8.24
You got em ;)
Ari Spearman $5.00