All Donors

Paul Metchik $1,200.00
In honor of the bruins game 7 win #better luck next year
Moe Rabi $500.00
Anonymous Sponsor $360.00
Match Match $360.00
Paul Metchik $360.00
In honor of my dear friend, Eli! He definitely cares more about this organization than winning at least I hope so…..
Yosef Berkowitz $360.00
Go Totty!!!
Match Match $360.00
Yechiel Berkowitz $360.00
Purim Collection $300.00
S Gross $250.00
Miriam Cohen $250.00
Joshua Gastwirth $250.00
Captain of the y”n davening
Anonymous Sponsor $200.00
Menachem Markovics $200.00
Yalie Harel $185.40
Yisroel Berkowitz $180.00
Meir Janowski $180.00
Wayne Gretzky $180.00
Paul Metchik $180.00
Zevi Berkowitz $180.00
Match Match $180.00
Nathan Rose $180.00
Nechama Berkowitz $180.00
In honor of Capt. Eli and his special family 🩷
Shlomo Metchik $160.00
First round exit!!
Milton Schwartz $150.00
Anonymous Sponsor $140.00
Match Match $140.00
Moshe H $123.60
Blue Jays gotta get Trevor Bauer
Moshe Schiller $103.00
go Metchik!!!
Anonymous Sponsor $103.00
Dini & Akiva Tepper $100.00
Avi Metchik $100.00
Gavriel Lazarus $100.00
Go Z!
Nachum Gradon $100.00
Chanie Metchik $100.00
Shlomo Metchik $100.00
Rachel Berkowitz $100.00
Go Totty!!!!
Yehuda Weinman $100.00
In honor of the best captain
Sender Kuperman $100.00
Marc Frost $100.00
Mordy Thav $100.00
Avromi Greenman $100.00
Lili Frost $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Shimon Blumenfeld $100.00
Yanky Katz YK EVENTS & CO $100.00
Shloimy & Gitty Kron $100.00
Moshe & Tzippy ROTHENBERG $100.00
Michael Hecht $72.00
Yossi Sanik $72.00
A great friend!
Moshe Izrailev $54.00
Ephraim Hirschmann $54.00
Yosef Berkowitz $54.00
In honor of the only championship winning hockey team from Toronto!!
Teddy And Nechama Cohen $54.00
Shua & Naomi Cohen $54.00
Anonymous Sponsor $50.00
Beat the AVS and Yitzy Carrey!!
Shragie & Sara Nierenberg $50.00
Danny Cohen $50.00
Anonymous Sponsor $37.08
Jonathan Adlerstein $36.00
Tzvi Adlerstein $36.00
in honor of Habachur Hachashuv Shlomo Zalman Metchik
Yosef Berkowitz $36.00
The only winning team I know!! 🤣
Nechama Kitay $36.00
Eliyahu And Hadassah Cohen $36.00
Igor Shesterkin $36.00
Try scoring on me
Abe Singer $36.00
Tzippy And Dovi Fishbein $36.00
Match Match $36.00
Match Match $36.00
Moshe Markowitz $36.00
Shlomo Birnbaum $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Yitzi And Mattie Lasker $20.60
Go Shlomo Z!
Zevi Kitay $20.00
Zevi Kitay $20.00
Mordechai Berkowitz $18.54
Moshe Males $18.54
To my gresta chaver shlomo zalmen hacohen metchik shlita
Avi Kaiser $18.00
Yitzi Libersohn $10.00