All Donors

David Kosloff $1,000.00
Aiir Force Match $439.00
Gail Scoufield $185.40
For all you do!
Susan And Sherman Frager $185.40
A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be. Wayne Gretzky
Gail Scoufield $185.40
Adam Levine $185.40
Isaiah Scoufield $185.40
Match Match $185.40
Bryan Laskey $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Moshe Starkman $180.00
Judah Bellin $180.00
Gedaliah Fineman $180.00
Philip Wellerstein $180.00
Lee Fiederer $125.00
Anonymous Sponsor $121.54
Noam Orbach $106.09
Jon And Jessica Erlbaum $103.00
Sid And Susan Laytin $103.00
Ilya Rakhman $103.00
Isaiah Scoufield $103.00
Aidan Cleary $103.00
Alex Oppenheimer $100.00
Chesky Weiss $100.00
Elliot Kopel $100.00
Ian Gleaner $100.00
Eric Goldstein $100.00
Zachary Miller $100.00
Michele Miller $100.00
George Danneman $100.00
Shlomo & Ronni Troodler $100.00
Dave Ullman $100.00
Tzvi Boord $100.00
Match Match $100.00
Shmuel Sussman $100.00
Shloime Isaacson $100.00
Gail Scoufield $92.70
Gail Scoufield $90.00
Hillary Oser $77.25
Heshy And Malka Deutsch $72.00
In Honor of the Scofiields
Karyl Carter $61.80
Here's to a couple of Hat Tricks
Aiir Force Match $61.00
Herbert Berkowitz $55.62
Jonathan Tanner $54.00
Christina M. Audi $54.00
Keep Up The Good Work Isaiah!
Baruch Avis $51.50
Israil Pendrak $51.50
Levi Ocken $50.00
Shmuel Sussman $50.00
Go Isaiah!
Lisa & Ilya Gaitskhoki $50.00
David Spinka $50.00
Evan Aidman $37.08
Evan Aidman $37.08
Bruce And Linda Wartell $37.08
Yosef Prupas $37.08
Jared Berkowitz $37.08
Andrew Lax $37.08
Match Match $37.08
Michael Biberfeld $36.00
Art & Tziviah Toran $36.00
Sadya Zirkind $36.00
Mark Frisch $36.00
Keep on pedaling and Dafing!
Yehuda Farber $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $27.00
Thomas Thompson $25.75
Anonymous Sponsor $25.00
Anonymous Sponsor $18.54
Lonnie Snyder $18.00
Sheila Lax $18.00
In honor of our three grandsons
Aaron Bloch $18.54
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
Akiva Dworkin $18.00
David Foskett $18.00
Hatzlocha rabbah with your fundraising and the hockey!
Anna Shmulevich $18.54
Jeff Rosner $18.00
Anonymous Sponsor $18.54
Anonymous Sponsor $10.30
Moshe Starkman $1.03