All Donors

Shiggy And Cipi Rosenberg $1,800.00
Selig Grossman $500.00
In honor of Shimshi Junger
Yaacov Cohen & Tzvi Aisenstark Junger $300.00
In honor of THE CAPTAIN!
Anonymous Sponsor $250.00
Match Match $250.00
Mark Kalmanowitz $250.00
Captain Shimshi - Keep up your great record of giving it your all to help cholei Yisroel!!
Miriam Zylberberg $185.40
Moshe Basch $180.00
Yoav Zisowitz $180.00
In honor of Captain Shimshi
Joel Goldstein $180.00
Shuli Junger $180.00
Tatty your the greatest inspiration ever!♥️ Good luck on the upcoming win!!
Tzvi Grossman $180.00
Gary Rieder $150.00
In honor of our families captain,
Cheskel Junger $120.00
Shlomo Freedman $103.00
Bernard Junger $100.00
Hatzlocho Rabboh
Avromy Shurin $100.00
Ervin And Judy Feldman $100.00
V Katz $100.00
Your Ketzalech Avrumy Malky And Sruli $100.00
We're so proud of you zaidy!!
Anonymous Sponsor $51.50
Eliezer Meisels $51.50
Yehuda Chapler $36.00
Thanks for all the games
Shloime Schwartz $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
Yitzy Schwartz $18.00
Jacob Levi $18.00