All Donors

Eliraz Szenes $500.00
Elchanan Abramowitz $370.80
Yossi Neuhaus $257.50
Good luck
Ariella Neuhaus $250.00
Match Match $250.00
Abshalom Meiri $200.00
Moish & Bracha Holczer $180.00
Don't let the young ones outskate you
Avi Neuhoff $180.00
Zalmen Worcman $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Gil Student $180.00
Yisroel Gelbstein $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Shua Gelbstein $180.00
GO DOVI!!!!!!
Match Match $180.00
Eva Levi $126.00
Anonymous Sponsor $120.00
In honor of Dov and the important services provided by RCCS
Avi Bobker $118.00
Moishe Neuhaus $118.00
Shlomo Freedman $103.00
Great job Dovi! Momo and Adina Freedman
Anonymous Sponsor $103.00
Ariel Bugayer $103.00
Shloime Klein $101.00
Anonymous Sponsor $101.00
Jack Adjmi $101.00
Shlomo Tzvi & Zippy Singer $100.00
Dov Rubinstein $100.00
Ezriel Gellis $100.00
Yisroel Goldstein $100.00
In honor of Dovy. Sruly & Temi
Dov Neuhaus $100.00
Match Match $100.00
Tzvi Weber $100.00
Michael Kundin $100.00
Menachem Gordon $100.00
Isaac Guez $100.00
Shmuel Danzger $100.00
Aryeh Klein $100.00
Steven Kopstick $100.00
Moshe Wilbur $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Go Dov!
Zach Stern $100.00
D&G Berger $75.00
Henie Friedlander $72.00
Alexander Men $72.10
Anonymous Sponsor $66.95
Chani Gellis $55.62
Shaya Caller $54.00
Chana Treisser $51.50
Yoni Kranzler $51.50
Aron Bergman $51.50
Devora Neuhaus $50.00
Go Daddy Go!!
Binyamin Bernstein $50.00
Etan Gross $50.00
Michele And Moshe Acobas $37.08
Anonymous Sponsor $37.08
The Neuhaus family
Mark Roth $37.08
Albert Dweck $37.08
Rabbis play hockey too!
Shulim Goldring $36.00
Avi Kriger $36.00
David Levine $36.00
Malka G Klein $36.00
Dave Kadden $36.00
Gary Rokeach $18.00
Avi Greenlinger $18.00
Anonymous Sponsor $7.00