All Donors

Purim Collection $630.00
Charles Levine $200.00
Aryeh, I am so proud of you. You show what kindness and compassion are all about. You have a kind heart. Skate with pride for what you are doing. Love from my heart ❤️ to your heart ❤️, Bubby Linda.
Anonymous Sponsor $185.40
Anonymous Sponsor $185.40
Angela Anyder $180.00
Aaron Guberman $180.00
Good luck!!
Charles Levine $180.00
Looking forward Abba
Seen And Eric Gorlechen $180.00
Aryeh! We love you! You have the biggest heart. Good luck 💙
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Lezecher Nishmas Yaakov Yosef Ben Avraham
Eric & Deena Gorlechen $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $135.96
Yael Shifman $103.00
Daniel Gugenheim $103.00
Shloime Liff $100.00
Tehila Soskel $55.62
We’re so proud of you and all that you continue to accomplish!! Love you
Archie & Elisheva Rabi $51.50
Ira Thomas $51.50
Gavriel Katz $50.00
Josh Thomas $37.08
Moshe Segal $37.08
Avi J $36.00
Shua Sheinkopf $25.75
Tova Sternberg $25.75
Tova sternberg
Eli Bakst $25.00
Matisyahu Roffman $20.60
In honor of me Levine and his legendary hockey skills
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
Yehuda Dekanov $18.00
Just because Aryeh is so dedicated
Yehudis Wisnicki $18.54
Shifra Green $16.00
Gavriel Merkin $15.45
Tully Miles $10.30
Az Koschitzki $6.00
Brought you to 3036