All Donors

Anonymous Sponsor $714.16
Aryeh Kunstler $600.00
Jess Dolgin $205.00
Go Michoel Kunstler Go!
Michoel Kunstler $200.00
Raya Sosensky $185.40
Joshua Ratner $185.40
Dov Kunstler $180.00
David Korros $154.50
Shlomo Weiss $128.00
Abraham Kunstler $103.00
Dovid Lipsett $103.00
Proud of you keep up the good work
Ricky Schweky $101.00
David Mandelbaum $100.00
Eli Dubovick $100.00
In honor of Angel. Do it for the kids man!
Dovid Ledereich $100.00
Avi Kunstler $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Dani Kunstler $75.00
Zev Shemesh $75.00
Good Luck.
Match Match $75.00
Dan Livshitz $74.16
Hatzlach!!! ~ from the livshitz family
Allan Cohen $72.00
Yocheved Brody $55.62
Yoel Horwitz $55.62
Match Match $55.00
Alexander Barkov $54.00
Go Panthers!
Yoni Ash $54.00
Chanie Friedman $51.50
Scott Farrell $50.00
In honor of the Kunstler Family, who do so much for so many, and for letting us use their goals every Friday for Belle Harbor Schoolyard Hockey 1986-1992 (approximately) and beyond!
Ben Isaacs $50.00
Eli Shapiro $50.00
Michoel Kunstler $50.00
Dov Kunstler $40.00
Malya Kunstlen $37.08
Itamar Lustiger $37.08
Pinchas Fiber $37.08
James Hack $36.00
Anat Josselsohn $36.00
Samuel Sarkany $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Joseph Rabinow $36.00
In honor of the holy Michoel Kunstler
Abie Goldberg $36.00
Lisa Maltz $36.00
Eli Bruckenstein $25.00
In honor of Hashem
Shlomo Ghoori $24.72
Hey Angel
M Klause $20.00
Abie Goldberg $18.54
Chaim Grossbard $18.60
Goin wayyyyy back. Goodluck!!
Rena Jaskiel $18.54
Meir Schiller $18.00
Tamar Shemesh $18.54
Jennifer Weberman $18.00
Yehuda Dekhkanov $18.00
Meir Bisk $18.00
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
Moshe Hecht $18.00
Nosson Oirich $18.00
Naftali Kunstler $18.00
Match Match $18.00
Asher Jeremias $17.00
Pinny Delman $13.00
Yitz Shapiro $5.15
In honor of Michoel being a great hockey player
Anonymous Sponsor $5.15