All Donors
Match Match
Eli Berkowitz
In honor of Shlomo Metchik
Eli Berkowitz
Golda Markovics
in honor of my grandson!!!!!!
Mordechai Birnhack
Anonymous Sponsor
Aharon Langer
in honor of szm
Effy Pentelnik
In honor of metchik! Keep on shteiging!
Moshe Markowitz
in honor of rabbi shlomo metchik
Y Munk
in honor of the fish boards
Yehuda Russell
for the best chavrusah
Srully Schrieber
in honor of the tizrach madrich
Shlomo Metchik
Akiva Ganchrow
Yitzy Waldman
likuvid shlomo zalman
Yehuda Ungar
In honor of Shlomo Zalman Hacohen Metchik
Moshe Males
In Honor R'Metchik #stopcallingme
Yisroel Spigelman
שלמה זלמן הכהן מטשיק
From the team GM!! In honor of Kappo Kakko U will 4ever be missed
Menachem Levi
metchik your the bomb
Shlomo Metchik
in honor of chaim bensimon(its a december thing)