All Donors

Match Match $530.00
Eli Berkowitz $360.00
S K $200.00
In honor of Shlomo Metchik
Eli Berkowitz $150.00
Golda Markovics $100.00
in honor of my grandson!!!!!!
Mordechai Birnhack $72.00
Anonymous Sponsor $51.50
Aharon Langer $50.00
in honor of szm
Effy Pentelnik $37.08
In honor of metchik! Keep on shteiging!
Moshe Markowitz $36.00
in honor of rabbi shlomo metchik
Y Munk $36.00
in honor of the fish boards
Yehuda Russell $36.00
for the best chavrusah
Srully Schrieber $36.00
in honor of the tizrach madrich
Shlomo Metchik $20.00
Akiva Ganchrow $18.54
Yitzy Waldman $18.00
likuvid shlomo zalman
Yehuda Ungar $18.00
In honor of Shlomo Zalman Hacohen Metchik
Moshe Males $18.54
In Honor R'Metchik #stopcallingme
Yisroel Spigelman $15.00
שלמה זלמן הכהן מטשיק $5.00
From the team GM!! In honor of Kappo Kakko U will 4ever be missed
Menachem Levi $5.00
metchik your the bomb
Shlomo Metchik $3.00
in honor of chaim bensimon(its a december thing)