Welcome To My Donation Page

Goal 6000
total raised
Member of Team Snowbirds - $122,061
Division 6
Captain: Ari Markowitz Isaac Stobezki
Recent Donors
  • Yehoshua Aberbach
  • Mendy And Shani Braun Braun
  • Ariel Kohan
  • Yochanon Adler
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Hadassah Finkelstein
    L’N R’ Aharon B’ Shmuel zt’l Cheli- I am so proud of you! Always collecting tzedaka
  • Gedaliah Zlotowitz
  • David Hager
  • YISROEL Lippel
  • Sholom Hyman
    Thanks my friend
  • Shimmy Socol
  • Shimmy Socol
  • Tzvi Weissmandl
    In honor of yaakov dovid mother who always told me I was such a funny guy and very cute
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Mendy And Tami Kolko
  • Rebecca Marciano
    In honor of Rabbi Finkelstein who makes MDY a happy place
  • Akiva Ezzatpour
  • Aaron And Rochel Katzenstein
  • Levi Dessler
  • Yosef & Rivka Feit
    We are very proud of our nephew
  • Rivkie Schecter
    GO, Uncle Yingie! Try not to fall down or you'll end up in the Crunchtime promotional video!
  • Meir Shimborsky
  • Avi Kolko
  • Shloime Klein
  • Ezi Goldberger
  • Rivka Rosenblatt
    Cheli- bestest girl! Keep on making us smile!
  • Motti Z.
  • Michoel Pruzansky
    Go Yingy!!!
  • Yossi And Malkie Levine
  • Moshe Azancot
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Thank you for being an amazing rebbe to me
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Esther Chase
  • Yaakov Finkelstein
    I'm a man of my word. IHO of Alex for the NYR win.
  • Shea Eisen
  • Moshe Mustacchi
  • Shea Eisen
  • Rose Cooper
  • Chavie Karman
  • Motty And Perri Perlstein
  • Binyomin And Devorah Bernstein
  • Andrew Haller
    In Honor of Rabbi Finkelstein for all that he's done for me and continues to inspire me through watching his status's!!!
  • Elchonon Berman
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Sruly Saftlas
  • Chana Winter
  • Avigail And Yisroel Ber Falik
    From your biggest fans ! Good luck
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Shmuel Bornstein
  • Avraham Kovitz
  • Rivkah Berman
    In honor of our dear cousins, The Finkelstiens. Love The Bermans
  • Mordy Weinberg
    And in honor of Finky - my favorite counselor ever- so nice to reconnect on the awesome Camp Agudah Alumni chat!!!!
  • Chana Winter
  • F-81 81
    Anyone know where my plaque is?
  • Dovi Geizhals
    In honor of my Grandpa zt"l who worked with Reb Yingy
  • Bruria Goldsmith
  • Sharon Safia
  • Miriam Finkelstein-Fishberg
    IHO Cheli... #favenieceever! (Waiting for my shoutout!) IMO Shoshana Raizel bas Eliyohu Chaim. RS Chava Sara bas Rochel. Avigail bas Sara Rachel.
  • Chana Goldman
    IHO Racheli's equal dedication to fundraising and to giving
  • Ari Schacter
  • Rifky Rubin
    In honor of Cheli, coz she’s the best!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • David Kolodny
    Good luck to the Snowbirds destroy the Iceotopes pls tell Yakkov Golding I said so.
  • Yisroel Blaustein
    In honor of the video
  • Miriam Finkelstein
    IHO Hadassah and Yingie... 2 awesome people. IMO Shoshana Raizel bas Eliyohu Chaim. RS Chava Sara bas Rochel, Avigail bas Sara Rachel.
  • Tzvi Scher
  • Dovid Litvintchouk
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Miriam Finkelstein-Fishberg
    Dear Yingie, "Every time you fall... you get back up again!"
  • David Cohen
  • Tzvi Hamel
  • Mordy Wenick
  • Chava Hirth
  • Aryeh Sorotzkin
  • Nechama Goldsmith
  • Rochel Wolf
  • Chayala Derman
  • Dovi Geizhals
  • Jacob Neuman
  • Anonymous Sponsor
View All

On April 7 & 8 I will be facing off against cancer as I play in the annual RCCS Hockey Classic, benefiting the families and patients of RCCS.

The mission of RCCS is to tackle cancer challenges, ease medical treatment, cover insurance premiums to lighten the financial burden, and make cancer care more accessible. Without this great organization, 5,194 patients would stare death in the face with little chance of recovery and survival. RCCS stands by each individual throughout every step of the process, holding their hands along the way to help them fight and win the war against cancer.

Please help this life saving organization by supporting me and my team as together we face off against cancer.

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