Welcome To My Donation Page

Goal 25000
total raised
Member of Team Beitler - $167,708
Division 4
Captain: Shlomo Mansbach
Recent Donors
  • David & Simi Greenbaum
  • Diana - Rick Ludwiczak - Conti
    In Memory of Ben Levine.
  • Yakov & Rivka Moseson
  • Marc Soskel
    From Marc and Esther Soskel in honor of Charles Levine , the Best Mechuten anyone could ask for !
  • Daniel And Elisheva Liss
  • Charles Levine
    In honor of Rabbi Merkin and all of the incredible people at RCCS
  • Charles Levine
    Best of luck Dov and Shira Messner
  • Goldie Platschek
  • Yechezkel Dershowitz
  • Avi Feldman
    [email protected] Charles and his wife are living embodiments of emunah and bitachon. You inspire me.
  • Sruly Dov
    Keep up the great work
  • Linda Levine
    In honor of my son Charles Levine. May you have continued health and keep up the great on behalf of this incredible organization.
  • Match Match
  • Tehila & Oliver Soskel
  • Morty Bistritzky
  • Dovid Ostreicher
  • David Bloom
    In honor of Charles Levine
  • Shmuel Lesser
  • Andy & Yael Gladstone
    In honor of a great man who helped make many a minyan in The Coliseum!
  • Noah Becher
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Shawn Karp
    LGI!!! You better have my son's back!
  • Jeffrey Samet
  • Uriel Foxbruner
    In honor of my awsome chevrusa!
  • Kelda And Moishe Spreiregen
  • Pinny Rosenbaum
  • Avi Singer
  • Jeffrey Buchbinder
    For the boys!
  • Herschel Kotkes
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Chananya Grinberg
  • Avi Satt
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Haviva Kranz
  • Zack And Dovi Tomaszewski
    I’m honor of charles. Keep on doing grea things
  • Shmuel Flaum
    Thank you for always making my wife at ease with your attention to extermination details ;) ! May you continue to be an inspiration to us all...fisherman and non fisherman alike!!! WITH much adoration...The Flaumily!
  • Jennifer Cooke
    To the best boss in the world. Kick some butt out there on the ice. From your favorite shiksa office/life manager.
  • Moshe And Temima Halon
  • Nachum Feintuch
  • Mordy Ehrenreich
  • Yoel & Ahuva Schmell
    In Honor of our Dear friend Charles keep making a kiddish Hashem in all that you do!
  • Daniel & Shira Gugenheim
  • Angela Snyder
    In honor of Charles Levine - the best bro in law :). You are an inspiration - keep up the good work!!
  • Glenn Skolnick
    HaShem should continue to give you good health and strength to continue raising Tzedakah for amazing causes love you Shoshy & Glenn Skolnick
  • Yudi Hochheiser
  • Ari Ostreicher
    In honor of the most Yeshivish guy in shiur!
  • Elimelech Sperling
    Keep doing your amazing work! We love you!! The Sperlings
  • Randy Makovsky
    In Honor of Charles Levine
  • Nathan Thomas
  • Moshe Lazar
  • Edward Lowy
  • Bumi Fried
  • Jaclyn Erlichman
  • Shabse Fuchs
  • Ephraim Green
    Ma main man Charles
  • Gila Jedwab
  • Steven Schwartz
  • Shlomo Reich
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Yaakov Pluchenik
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Abraham Klein
  • Avigayil Wolf
    Nochum and avigayil wolf
  • Melinda And Justin Strauss
  • Zvi Klein
  • Tom Bauer
    Hatzlacha Rabba
  • Ellie Katz
    Let's EXTERMINATE Cancer so these services are no longer needed!
  • Eli Friedman
  • Don Miller
  • Zisha Braun
    Charles its a pleasure doing business with u!
  • Yehoshua Sheinkopf
  • Chaim Bess
  • Yumi And Tova Knobel Knobel
  • Meir S And Shira Cohen
  • Haim & Orna Aharonoff
  • Ahuva Walkin
  • Y&H Gugenheim
  • David Kirschenbaum
    Keep on doing all the great things you do Charles!
  • Zevi & Leah Bald
    To many more years 🥂
  • Bruce Goldstein
  • David Markowitz
  • Elana Wohlgelernter
  • Shloime Liff
  • Moshe And Devorah Leff
  • Adena Muchnik
  • Joel; Kaplan
  • Shaul Lazar
  • Ephraim And Leah Blumenkrantz
    Hatzlacha Raba!!!!!
  • Spencer Newcomb
  • Neil Schwerd
  • David Spira
  • Menachem Sperling
  • Shlomo And Tzippora Perkal
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Meir Goldberg
    In honor of Charles and Rivka Levine
  • Nati Haboura
    Love you Charles!
  • Aaron Milevsky
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Moe Stern
  • Daniel Gavrielov
  • Eli Lazar
  • Zachary Sumner
  • Yehuda Klinkowitz
  • Dovid Mittel
View All
On April 7 & 8 I will be facing off against cancer as I play in the annual RCCS Hockey Classic, benefiting the families and patients of RCCS.

The mission of RCCS is to tackle cancer challenges, ease medical treatment, cover insurance premiums to lighten the financial burden, and make cancer care more accessible. Without this great organization, 5,194 patients would stare death in the face with little chance of recovery and survival. RCCS stands by each individual throughout every step of the process, holding their hands along the way to help them fight and win the war against cancer.

Please help this life saving organization by supporting me and my team as together we face off against cancer.
Visit My Team Page
In Memory of
David Beitler