On May 4 & 5 I will be facing off against cancer as my team and I compete for ANOTHER championship win in the annual RCCS Hockey Classic, benefiting the families and patients of RCCS.
This year is a little different for me. Just recently, my brother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. I saw first hand how RCCS swung into action and helped my brother-in-law and his whole family navigate through his new cancer diagnosis and get him and his family the care they needed.
I'll be playing and raising money for Chaim Gavriel ben Tzivia Lana. Please take a moment to say some prayers, study, or give charity in his honor for a full speedy recovery.
The mission of RCCS is to tackle cancer challenges, ease medical treatment, cover insurance premiums to lighten the financial burden, and make cancer care more accessible. Without this great organization, 5,194 patients would stare death in the face with little chance of recovery and survival. RCCS stands by each individual throughout every step of the process, holding their hands along the way to help them fight and win the war against cancer.
Please help this life saving organization by supporting me and my team as together we face off against cancer.
Playing for a speedy recovery for my Brother-In-Law - Chief Hugh Jacobson - Chaim Gavriel ben Tzivia Lana

total raised

Division 2
Captain: David Rosenberg
Previous Fundraising
$36,158 2023
$36,116 Recent Donors
- Michael Glatt$1,854Thank you, Giddy, for all that you do for our family 💙.Victor Wolf$371Joel Elkon$360Yenon Saiag$360In honor of Giddy the GOAT Strauss.Bracha Banayan$200Desiree Thomas$185A heartfelt THANK YOU for all that you do.Anonymous Sponsor$185Neil Dahan$180Anonymous Sponsor$180Anonymous Sponsor$180Daniel Simons$180David Humphrey$180JENNIFER CHRISTOPHE$155Jonathan Muschel$118For the refuah of Chaim Gavriel ben Tzivia LanaAdina Mezrahi$104Eric Rebhun$103In honor of Mitchell RebhunChaya Kessler$103Zahava Giffin$103Eve Rosenstock$100Hadassah Lampert$100Anonymous Sponsor$75Ian Sherman$74Chaya Lapp$72Yaakov Rosenberg$56Josh Schenker$54GIDDY-UP!Daniel Stok$36Anonymous Sponsor$36Diana Ilizirov$36Estee Gourarie$36Lipa And Yehudis Teitelbaum$36David Silber$36Jennifer Rossetti$30Gabriel Diaz$31Anonymous Sponsor$19Anonymous Sponsor$18