Welcome To My Donation Page

Goal 18000
total raised
Member of Team Snippers - $91,434
Division 3
Captain: Niv Fishbein Shai Meyerowitz
Recent Donors
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Rafael Mael
    In honor of Shai Meyerowitz, MVP on and off the ice!
  • Laurie Mermelstein
  • Jay Idler
    Great job Shai
  • Martin Leybovich
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    IHO Shai Mai
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • David Wealcatch
  • Shai And Chani Meyerowitz
    Matching my match!
  • Match Match
  • Paul L Eisenberger
    In honor of the Meyerowitz clan!
  • Shai Meyerowitz
    In honor of my wife! Who always sends me to the rink!
  • Match Match
  • Avi Mizrachi
  • Mark Meyerowitz
  • Yossi And Sara Idler
  • Dena & Asher Sondhelm
    Rabbi Meyerowitz and everything he does!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Moshe And Dina Rechthand
  • Samuel Idler
    Aleh V'Hatzlach
  • Danny Solomon
  • Heather Horowitz
  • Yitzy And Nechama Tendler
    In honor of Rabbi My!!
  • Shloime Mermelstein
  • Eta Eisenberger
  • Shlomo Fixler
  • Moshe Markowitz
  • Allan Meyerowitz
    Keep those hips checking Rabbi My שליט״א
  • Robin Meyerowitz
    Again shoot Shain scores and the capitals win the Stanley Cup!
  • Shaya And Elana Schechter
  • Scott Steinberg
  • Miriam Friedberg
    GO SHAI! Bring home the W!
  • Sam And Yael Goldstein
    לעילוי נשמת חיים יחזקאל בן יוסף
  • Yehoshua Nissan
    IHO the indefatigable Shai. Hatzlacha!!
  • Moshe & Chaya Garfunkel
  • Yossi And Malki Rub
  • Allan Meyerowitz
    In honor of Aaron Eli and Temimah
  • Match Match
  • Dovid & Bracha Bagan
    The undisputed champion for our boys! Thank you Rabbi My for everything!!
  • Lori Pasch
  • Elliot Sonnenblick
  • Sol Kuhnreich
  • Bina Steinberg
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Moshe Pruzansky
    In honor of Shai, who will always be my Shul President! :)
  • Mendel Wax
    Shai my guy!!
  • David And Rachelle Daniel
    IHO the incredible Rabbi Meyerowitz
  • Schnitzer Family
  • Ayelet Duskis
    In honor of my beloved brother. The world is very lucky to have you in it. Hashem should give a refuah shleimah to all those we love who are suffering.
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Either $8 for ovechkins jersey, or $87 donation Lkavod Reb Crosby..... Went with the Syd the Kid
  • Netanel Schwob
    Go Shai Go
  • Shulim Isaacson
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    In honor of Shai!
  • Zalman And Chana Wallach
    In honor of our dear twin brother and his wonderful wife and family. Shai you are a “beast” of chesed, Ahvas Yisrael, and Torah! We are so lucky to have you!
  • Simcha Siff
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Yitzie & Tzeepy Schabes
  • Yehudah Roll
    Shai! Keep Spreading your holy energy!
  • Gavi Sytner
  • Eliezer Bulka
    חזק ואמץ!
  • Abe Friedman
  • Ari And Huvi Mermelstein
  • Aaron Schabes
  • Shlomo Rosenstein
  • Shlomo Rosenstein
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Moshe Raskin
    Lots of Lurve!
  • Binyomin And Rachel Lowenthal
    In honor of all the great work you do for TI, the Baltimore community and RCCS!
  • Brian Neuman
  • Jacob Selis
  • Jacob Selis
  • Yisrael Triebwasser
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    IHO SHAI!!
  • Stephen Zelcer
    In honor of Captain Shai, who doesn't just play to win; he plays to destroy! Go get 'em!
  • Akiva Goldberg
  • Michael Feld
  • Joshua Lowenthal
    Go Shai! At least 5 defensive goals a game!
  • Courtney Hercenberg
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Ariel & Pessi Sadwin
    Brocho v'hatzlocho!
  • Amitai Barth
    Hatzlacha to R' Shai and all of the players and volunteers. I am a little disappointed that Shai's email said I should be benched, as I understand being benched in hockey is not a good thing, but gam zu l'tova since I don't play hockey anyway. Tizkeh l'mitzvos!
  • David Kreisberg
    In honor of Moshe Ben Dovid. His neshama should have an Aliyah
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Mendel Blau
  • Evan Weiner
  • Zachary Schwartz
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    have me over for a Shabbos meal. Sorry I can't donate more
  • Naftali And Kayla Fink
  • Benjamin Zedner
    Keep it up
  • Daniel Bortz
  • Joseph And Shira Bechhofer
    Hatzlacha Rabba!!
  • Avi Landa
  • Benjamin Lewinson
  • Daniel Nattel
  • Yisrael Zev Schwartz
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Avi Spodek
  • Yechezkel Estreicher
    Go get em!
  • Yechezkel Estreicher
    You got em ;)
  • Ari Spearman
View All

On April 7 & 8 I will be facing off against cancer as I play in the annual RCCS Hockey Classic, benefiting the families and patients of RCCS.

The mission of RCCS is to tackle cancer challenges, ease medical treatment, cover insurance premiums to lighten the financial burden, and make cancer care more accessible. Without this great organization, 4,618 patients would stare death in the face with little chance of recovery and survival. RCCS stands by each individual throughout every step of the process, holding their hands along the way to help them fight and win the war against cancer.

Please help this life saving organization by supporting me and my team as together we face off against cancer.

All donations in zechus for Moshe Zelig Ben Raizel. Our dear friend who is sick with cancer. He should have a speedy recovery and live in good health until 120!

Visit My Team Page
Speedy Recovery to our dear friend
Moshe Zelig Ben Raizel