Lzecher Sara bas Avraham and Hinda Bas Mordechai

Goal 16000.00
total raised
Member of Team Bandits - $95,607
Division 6
Captain: Yanky Statman
Recent Donors
  • Rabbi & Mrs Akiva Homnick
  • Yehuda Weinstein
  • Ruben Leibowitz
  • Match Match
  • Symcha Klerer
  • Match Match
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Hillel Jaffa
  • Alana Apfel
  • Carol Shelby
  • Joe Wicentowsky
  • Joyce Brick
  • Bandits Match
  • Michael Lipstein
  • Avromi Ehrman
  • Yisroel Goldman
  • Michael Weissman
  • Tova Teichman
    Let's go Zaidy!
  • Ami Avraham
    Lets go!
  • Match Match
  • Leonard Goldberg
    play hard Ruby
  • Michael Reich
  • Zack And Naomi Teper
  • MICHAEL Robinzon
    Keep up the good work.
  • Jack Ashkenazie
  • Thomas McNiff
  • Michie & Sari Klerer
    Tizku l'mitzvos!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Match Match
  • Sapphire Advancing
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Ari And Ruthy Parnes
  • Eric Paneth
  • David Spiegel
  • Sanford Braun
    Way to go Ruby
  • Bandits Match
  • Nachum Greenspan
  • Shalom Axelrod
    Hatzlacha Uncle Ruby!
  • Yaakov Miller
  • Daniel Dweck
    Go Ruby!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Fraidy Nachman
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Jeffrey Feldman
    Good Luck!
  • David Netkin
  • Seth Nadler
  • Allen Popper
    Play well Ruby. The New York Rangers are scouting you.
  • Marcus Mizrachi
  • Henni And Shlomo Bitter
  • Reuven Levitin
  • Esther Berman
  • Judy Blobstein
  • Marc Levine
    Good Luck!
  • Shmuel Sadowsky
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Go ruby go!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Shoot zee puck and score zee goal!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    LGR - SJ
  • Ultrasound Health Systems Inc.
  • Ruben Leibowitz
  • Match Match
  • Heshy Kestenbaum
  • Yisroel Golding
  • Elie Pollak
  • Eli Rabinowitz
    Let our people go!
  • Gifty Owusu
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    a gift from a friend
  • Saul Guberman
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Ephraim Nierenberg
  • Chaimdovid Stern
  • Susie Fenyes
  • Avner Baram
  • Fred Nadler
  • Carol Stein
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Steve Serber
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Chaim Shalmone
  • Chaim Perris
  • Sidney Yaroslawitz
  • Steven Hauptman
  • Mordechai LEIBOWITZ
  • Tova Teichman
    Go Zaidy Go!
  • Michael Wertheim
  • Charles Hochman
  • Match Match
  • Eli Spiro
  • Yoel And Brochi Lipsett
  • Sam Veyg
  • Harvey Babich
  • Kenneth Sullivan
  • Sam Ash
    There’s an obvious reference here to Ruby, Hockey & Fundraising “Goals”, as I can’t think of it, I’ll just go with; it’s great to see that all these decades later, Ruby is still using his powers for good
  • Harvey Ogun
    Score goals!
  • George Weiss
  • Corey Levine
  • Allan Lefkowitz
  • Moshe Ganchrow
  • Igor Goldberg
  • Howard Berglas
    Go Ruby! Hatzlacha!
  • Mark Kurman
  • Ezra Beinhorn
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Ari Schonbrun
    Reben Sumyunguy
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    In honor of the best science teacher!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Play hard
  • Hillel Rokowsky
    In honor of Ruby, the best super-duper-triple-scooper waiter in MaNaVu history!
  • Julius Lefkowitz
  • Tzvi Hamel
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Jeremy Levine
    Go Get em!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Chap a goal!!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Roy Kaplan
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    From the chap a nosh crew
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Rosalie Albala
    Hatzlacha Ruby!
  • HAROLD Pollak
  • Mark And Rita Feuer
    Good luck we are rooting for you!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Andrei Z !!
    score goals!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Moishe Miller
  • Gene Insel
  • Match Match
    move well with the puck!
  • Barry Elin
  • Tzvi Hamel
View All

On April 7 & 8 I will be facing off against cancer as I play in the annual RCCS Hockey Classic, benefiting the families and patients of RCCS.

The mission of RCCS is to tackle cancer challenges, ease medical treatment, cover insurance premiums to lighten the financial burden, and make cancer care more accessible. Without this great organization, 4,618 patients would stare death in the face with little chance of recovery and survival. RCCS stands by each individual throughout every step of the process, holding their hands along the way to help them fight and win the war against cancer.

Please help this life saving organization by supporting me and my team as together we face off against cancer.

Visit My Team Page